Fort Lauderdale, FL (Haskell’s House: For Vegetarians and Vegans Only)

Cara Campbell


(954) 525-4522

City and State of Property:
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
United States

Link to External Site for More Information:

Are you a short-term or long-term rental? Can be both short-term or long-term

Please feel free to provide any more information on the length of rental:  Usually, we do a one month trial before committing to long terms. Also we have a finite number of fewer than one month rentals.

Are fragrance-free products used in home?

Azure unscented

Azure unscented





Laundry Detergent:
Azure Unscented

Dishwasher Detergent:

Hand Soap:


Other cleaning supplies:
30% hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, CItra-Solv

Do you thoroughly clean after each guest?
No (Guests are required to clean the house to get their deposits back. The property is cleaned thoroughly before each guest.)

Are air fresheners used (plug-ins, sprays, toilet sprays, etc.)?

Are candles used in home?

Are essential oil diffusers used in home?

Is this house fragrance-free to best of your ability?

Is it a smoke-free residence?

Please add any details you can. (Optional):
The house is thoroughly cleaned before each guest’s arrival.

Are animals permitted on the property?

Are pots and pans ceramic, stainless steel, cast iron or glass?
Stainless Steel, Cast Iron, Other (Le Creuset)

Are plates glass, plastic, ceramic, stainless steel, bamboo, etc?

Are utensils glass, plastic, ceramic, stainless steel, bamboo, etc?
Plastic, Stainless Steel (some plastic parts in implements)

Are cups glass, plastic, ceramic, stainless steel, bamboo, etc?
Glass, Ceramic

Type of Fuel for Stove:

Are garbage bags- scent free?

Do you have city water or well water?
We get our water from the local municipality.

Do you have a Faucet Filter?

Please add any additional details here. (Optional):
We have a Berkey filter for drinking water.

Do you have a Refrigerator Filter?

Do you have a Shower Filter?

Do you have a Whole House Filter?

Do you have another water filter not mentioned above?

Does your home use an air-cooling system?
None (Ceiling fans and portable fans)

What heat source(s) are used in your home?
Portable electric heaters (used rarely due to the South Florida climate)

How is heat distributed in your home?
Portable electric heaters

Bedding Information:
One room has an organic mattress, not super-firm. The other has a conventional firm mattress.

Pillow Information:
Various types and softness (some synthetic, others feather/down).

Sheets and Pillowcases:
All are vintage 100% cotton.

Comforters and Blankets:
Cotton thermal, cotton quilted, down/feather comforters.

Please tell us some general information about the furniture in your home. Example, If you use furniture covers and approximate age of furniture.
All furniture is vintage or antique. If painted, it’s with low VOC paints. Sofa, chairs, and love seats have synthetic cushions. One room has a chair with a feather cushion, and a loveseat with all cotton stuffing.

Please check the different types of flooring you have in your home.
Hardwood Floors, Polyurethane-Covered Floor, Tile

What other information would you like to tell us about the flooring in your home?
Floors are hardwood, except one tiled bathroom. Kitchen and one bathroom have painted floors, and the polyurethane on unpainted floors is over 20 years old.

Do you have Ethernet Cables?

Do you have a Wifi Router Guard?

Can the WiFi be turned off?
Yes (WiFi is never on; house does not allow WiFi or have a smart meter.)

Do you have a smart meter/s? (We understand that many of us do not have a choice.) No

What kind of smart meter? (Optional) i.e. Electric, Water, Etc: N/A

Do you have any protection for your smart meter? N/A

Please provide more info (e.g., Faraday Cage): N/A

Have you used any pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and/or fungicides on your property in the last year?

Please list any chemicals, approximate date and area of application.
We use diatomaceous earth, very occasionally peppermint oil, and a boric acid roach bait.

Please list any new construction within the last year (e.g. dry wall, new floors, new cabinets, painted, etcetera).

Do you own a pool or hot tub that can be used by guests?

Are you aware of any mold in the residence?
Yes (There is no visible mold, but there could be spores due to the South Florida climate.)

Do you conduct regular, visual mold checks in high-risk areas (e.g., bathroom, basement, attic, washing machine gasket, garbage disposal, HVAC system, around pipes, and under sinks)? Yes

Please provide additional information if needed: N/A

Do you use a dehumidifier?

Do you use an air purifier? No

What is the name of the air purifier? If not applicable, please put N/A: N/A

Do you regularly replace your air purifier filter according to the manufacturer’s recommended schedule? N/A

Does each of your bathroom(s) have an exhaust fan and/or a window that can open?

Was a mold test ever done in your home?

Do you recycle?

Do you use LED lights in any part of your home?

Do you use/own any energy efficient appliances?

Do you use water-saving appliances?

Do you compost food scraps and/or other organic materials?

Do you use and/or purchase reusable soap or shampoo containers?

Do you use solar energy to partially or fully power your home?

Do you utilize plant-based and/or biodegradable garbage bags?
No (No garbage bags are used; composting is required.)

Is any of the lighting in your home automated to reduce electricity usage?

Please tell us any other ways you believe your home has been made more eco-friendly.
We require composting, and there are dishpans to empty onto plants outside. Racks are provided to dry clothes in the sun (a dryer is also available). All furniture, sheets, towels, blankets, and rugs are second-hand. Some LED lights are available, but non-EMF bulbs can be requested.

Is there any other information your guests should know, such as mold tests, air quality monitors, EMF readers, dehumidifier/humidifier or any other pertinent information not captured previously?
The bedrooms were checked for EMFs, and the levels were quite low. The house is on a corner with a weak phone signal, and the house next door also doesn’t use WiFi or have a smart meter. There’s an alley behind the house.

Disclaimer: As a property owner listing on Sensitive Rentals, please note that we cannot guarantee our property will meet your sensitivity needs. Many variables and unknowns can arise, and we cannot ensure that this property will be safe for you. By listing on Sensitive Rentals, we are strictly providing information and transparency. We are not liable for any adverse health effects that may occur during your stay. Thank you for your understanding.