What is your name?
Terry Mandel


(510) 910-0086

What is the city and state of your property?
Berkeley, California
United States

Are you a short-term or long-term rental?
Can be Short-Term, Mid-Term and Long-Term

Please feel free to provide any more information on the length of rental:
I have mostly rented short-term, but have had a few long-term sensitive guests who’ve stayed long enough to heal before moving back to a home that’s undergone an eco-renovation or onto another one. Now that I’m traveling a good deal of the time, I’m more interested in reliable guests who might want a mid- or long-term rental, though always on a case-by-case basis.

Are fragrance free products used in home?


Bon Ami, Seventh Generation dish soap and dishwasher pods, and a couple of other things I’ll have to fill in when I’m home in late December.

Bon Ami

Miele vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter


Cotton towel for dusting

Laundry Detergent:
Seventh Generation Free & Clear and another I’ll have to verify when I’m back home in late December.

Dishwasher Detergent:
Seventh Generation Free & Clear

Hand Soap:
Glycerin liquid soap & Canus goat milk bar soap

Fragrance-free products from Pharmaca, which has gone out of business. We allow only unscented body care products.

Other cleaning supplies:
Nothing else I can think of at the moment, but will update in late December once I’ve returned from my work in Europe.

Do you thoroughly clean after each guest?

Are air fresheners used (plug-ins, sprays, toilet sprays, etc.)?

Are candles used in home?

Type of Candles:
Very occasionally will light unscented tea lights or other candles.

Are essential oil diffusers used in home?

Is this house fragrance free to best of your ability?

Please add any details you can:
No scented body care products are used or allowed in the home.

Is it a smoke-free residence?

Please add any details you can:
To the best of my knowledge, no one has smoked anything inside the house since I moved here in 1997.

Are animals permitted on the property?

Are pots and pans ceramic, stainless steel, cast iron or glass?
Stainless Steel
Cast Iron

Are plates glass, plastic, ceramic, stainless steel, bamboo, etc.?

Are utensils glass, plastic, ceramic, stainless steel, bamboo, etc.?
Stainless Steel

Are cups glass, plastic, ceramic, stainless steel, bamboo, etc.?

Type of Fuel for Stove:

Please let us know any other details about the type of fuel you use for your stove:
The range hood is always used when the stove is on.

Are garbage bags scent free?

Do you have city water or well water?
We get our water from the local municipality.

Do you have a Faucet Filter?

Please add any additional details here:
I have a Multi-Pure undercounter filter, and replace the filter on the recommended schedule.

Do you have a Refrigerator Filter?

Do you have a Shower Filter?

Please add any additional details here:
Both bathrooms have shower heads with filters replaced on the recommended schedule. Learn more at this link, H2O Distributors

Do you have a Whole House Filter?

Do you have another water filter not mentioned above?

Does your home use an air-cooling system?

Please provide any additional details:

When was the filter last cleaned?

When were the HVAC ducts cleaned?
We do have a whole house HEPA filter on the furnace. The HVAC ducts have not been cleaned since all the asbestos ducts were replaced in 2006.

What heat source(s) are used in your home?

Please explain further:
Gas with a HEPA filter on the furnace.

How is heat distributed in your home?
Forced Air

Bedding Information:
Depends on the bedroom; I don’t have all the details while I’m on the road.

Pillow Information:
I have both down and fiberfill pillows, most in 100% cotton cases.

Sheets and Pillowcases:
100% organic cotton bedding

Comforters and Blankets:
Down or wool comforters, depending on guests’ needs.

Please tell us some general information about the furniture in your home. Example, If you use furniture covers and approximate age of furniture. Most people just want to know if furniture has off-gassed:
I’ve lived in this home since 1997 and have introduced no new furniture in the shared living spaces since 2007.

Please check the different types of flooring you have in your home:
Hardwood Floors

What other information would you like to tell us about the flooring in your home?
Some of the bedrooms and shared living spaces have rugs over hardwood floors, and none are off-gassing. The vinyl on the Asia Suite bathroom floor has been there since before I bought the home in 1997.

Do you have Ethernet Cables?

Do you have a Wifi Router Guard?

Can the WiFi be turned off?

Do you have another EMF protection system not mentioned above?

Do you have a smart meter (we understand that many of us do not have a choice)?

What kind of smart meter?
Electric, but we have solar so use zero to a small amount of electricity from our provider.

Do you have any protection for your smart meter?

Have you used any pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and/or fungicides on your property in the last year?

Please list any chemicals, approximate date and area of application:

Please list any new construction within the last year (e.g. dry wall, new floors, new cabinets, painted, etcetera):

Do you own a pool or hot tub that can be used by guests?

Type of Treatment System:

Please explain further:

Brand/Model of System:

Are you aware of any mold in the residence?

Do you conduct regular, visual mold checks in high-risk areas, such as the bathroom, basement, attic, washing machine (gasket on door), garbage disposal, HVAC system, Mini-Splits, fireplaces, around pipes and under sinks and appliances?

Please provide additional information if needed:
I am highly sensitive to mold and the house is safe and healthy for me and many, many guests who share this sensitivity.

Do you use a dehumidifier?

Do you use an air purifier?

What is the name of the air purifier?
I have a Molekule Air Pro and another excellent filter recommended by the late Debra Lynn Dadd; I’ll update when I’m back home in late December.

Do you regularly replace your air purifier filter according to the manufacturer’s recommended schedule?

Does each of your bathroom(s) have an exhaust fan and/or a window that can open?

Please provide additional information if needed:

Was a mold test ever done in your home?

When? Results? What type of test? If not applicable, please put N/A:
2006 after a plumbing disaster. I insisted on a reputable mold inspection and closely supervised the remediation after my HO insurance company sent someone completely incompetent who would save them money. My inspector produced a detailed report and returned to test after the remediation, then once again after they’d found something that hadn’t quite passed muster before signing off.

Do you recycle?

Do you use LED lights in any part of your home?

Do you use/own any energy efficient appliances?

Do you use water-saving appliances?

Do you compost food scraps and/or other organic materials?

Do you use and/or purchase reusable soap or shampoo containers?

Do you use solar energy to partially or fully power your home?

Do you utilize plant-based and/or biodegradable garbage bags?

Is any of the lighting in your home automated to reduce electricity usage?

Please tell us any other ways you believe your home has been made more eco-friendly:
Recycled blue jean insulation vs. fiberglass, wallboard vs. sheetrock (which off-gasses formaldehyde), zero-VOC paint and caulk, water-based floor finish, solar film on windows, solar panels, Nest thermostat, participate in Ohm Connect to reduce electricity use when energy demands are high and power is dirtier.

Is there any other information your guests should know, such as mold tests, air quality monitors, EMF readers, dehumidifier/humidifier or any other pertinent information not captured previously?

Disclaimer: As a property owner listing on Sensitive Rentals, please note that we cannot guarantee our property will meet your sensitivity needs. Many variables and unknowns can arise, and we cannot ensure that this property will be safe for you. By listing on Sensitive Rentals, we are strictly providing information and transparency. We are not liable for any adverse health effects that may occur during your stay. Thank you for your understanding.